Cristina Babetto
Born in 1969, she graduated in Philosophy at the Padua University, following the teachings of professor Giangiorgio Pasqualotto – pioneer of the integration of Taoism and eastern philosophies and western traditions.
In 2012 she graduated at the School of Medicine and Surgery of University La Sapienza of Rome, with a thesis on Transplant anesthesia.
In 2016 she obtained the certificate in Classical Chinese Medicine at Xin Shu and started the private practice as acupuncturist. In the last two years she worked at Xin Shu as a trainer. She also keep on deepening her education in Chinese medicine, following the teachings of Master Jeffrey Yuen and of the Xin Shu founders, Carlo di Stanislao and Rosa Brotzu.
In 2018 she specialized in Anesthesia, Intensive Care and Pain Therapy at the same University.
She also cooperate with the association Agom (Acupuncture in the world).