Xin Shu Academy is the digital platform dedicated to Classical Chinese Medicine.

Born from the experience of Xin Shu APS – Association based in Rome – Xin Shu Academy aims in an organic and effective way at disseminating an enormous wealth of knowledge in the field of Chinese Medicine, built in over thirty years of activity.

MD’s, practitioners and researchers of Xin Shu APS’s team have produced and developed scientific publications, study materials, handouts and experiences, based on the teachings of Master Jeffrey C. Yuen, who in Italy collaborates exclusively with Xin Shu since 1998.

Master Jeffrey C. Yuen is an internationally renown Taoist monk, one of the leading experts in Classical Chinese Medicine. Since his childhood he has dedicated himself to the arts of Taoist healing and Chinese Medicine, following the teachings of the Taoist master and monk Yu Wen, his adoptive grandfather, who has designated him his spiritual heir, when he was sixteens years old.

The system of continuous education which, thanks to the digital technologies of the platform, Xin Shu Academy offers to the international public, includes monographs, video lectures and e-learning lessons, which are targeted for students and workers in different fields of Chinese Medicine: acupuncture, tuina, qigong, phytotherapy, dietetics and associated complementary techniques.

The courses, seminars and publications, disseminated in English, as well as in Italian, can be purchased through a secure e-commerce system, accessible from all over the world.