The Seminars of Master Jeffrey Yuen

The Seminars delivered by the Daoist Priest Master Jeffrey Yuen, on Classical Chinese Medicine. May 16-18, 2025, in presence in Rome.

From: 190,00

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2025 Edition – in presence

The Seminars of Master Jeffrey Yuen are entirely delivered in presence, in Rome.

The Seminars, dealing with Classical Chinese Medicine, will take place on May 16-18, 2025, with the following programme. Seminars’ seats are limited and subject to availability.

Download the Programme »

Master Jeffrey Yuen

Jeffrey C. Yuen is Daoist priest, one of the world’s leading experts in Chinese Medicine.
Belonging to the 88th Yu Qing Huang Lao Pai generation (Jade Purity Yellow Emperor Laozi School), and the 26th generation of the Quan Zhen Long Men Pai School (Complete Reality School Dragon Gate School), Jeffrey Yuen has been designated by his adoptive grandfather, Yu Wen, as his spiritual heir, the continuer of an ancient oral tradition.
Extraordinaty expert in Classical Chinese Medicine, Chinese Herbal Medicine and Martial Arts, Master Yuen chose Xin Shu as the Italian main partner for the transmission of his huge knowledge.


Seminars are held in English, with consecutive Italian translation by Giulia Boschi.

  1. Qigong to Overcome Physical and Psychological Trauma
    Friday May 16, 2025 – 10:00 a.m.-6:00 p.m.

    The practice of Qigong has been used for about 5,000 years to cultivate or restore psycho-physical balance and support disease prevention, creating harmony and well-being.

    In this seminar, Master Jeffrey Yuen, thanks to his vast experience, will provide guidance and demonstrate practical exercises to help process and address the energy blockages resulting from physical trauma – such as fractures, injuries, or surgeries – and to overcome the related psychological trauma as well.

    Using Qigong as a tool for developing awareness and as a therapeutic aid allows the reestablishment of energetic balance and the recovery of psycho-physical harmony, speeding up the healing process.

  2. The Study of Dumai Meridian (part 2)
    Saturday, May 17, 2025 – 10:00 a.m.-6:00 p.m.

    The seminar is dedicated to the study of the energetic physiopathology and symbolic significance of the meridian dumai, belonging to the extraordinary meridian system. Master Jeffrey Yuen will delve into the meaning and energetic function of various points, with reference to possible combinations and therapeutic strategies useful in clinical practice.

    In the view of Classical Chinese Medicine, the study of meridians and individual acupuncture points should always be traced back to the evolutionary dynamics of the individual, as well as energetic physiopathology.

    Similar to the renmai meridian, the dumai meridian is part of the first generation of extraordinary meridians, the most ancestral. For this reason, it is involved in the mystery of the origin of life. It aids fertility through the warming action of yangqi. The dumai meridian represents the foundation, the structure of the individual. The taiyang level is the peak of yang among the energy levels, while the extraordinary meridian dumai is the “sea of yang“, the absolute greatest yang in the body.

    Therefore, it is considered the meridian that describes the individuality of each person. It governs posture, the development of reflexes, and independence. It provides yangqi for body construction, warms, supports, and moves, allowing the child to relate to the world through spinal movements. It becomes active at birth and matures around two years of age. Psychologically, the harmonious development of the dumai allows the child to accept “no” and denial.

    The study of the two extraordinary meridians, renmai and dumai, proposed by Master Jeffrey Yuen, represents a unique experience, difficult to replicate. Thanks to Master Yuen’s availability and generosity in transmitting knowledge that, while not disregarding textual knowledge, draws from the ancient Chinese oral tradition, a heritage of knowledge passed down through generations.

    Master Jeffrey Yuen’s teachings are not found in any text or treatise because he believes that written words fix concepts and paradigms on aspects that, according to Taoist teachings, should remain mutable.

  3. Jeffrey Yuen Answers Difficult Questions
    Sunday, May 18, 2025 – 10:00 a.m.-6:00 p.m.

    After many years of teaching—exclusively in Italy at the Xin Shu School in Rome—Master Jeffrey Yuen is making himself available to dedicate an entire seminar to the questions of participants and students of the School, in order to address doubts and explore specific aspects of Classical Chinese Medicine.

    This is a unique opportunity to ask Master Yuen a question about issues that deserve further study in Chinese medicine.
    For this purpose, as time is limited, each participant, upon registration, will be able to use the notes field to write a question to pose to Jeffrey Yuen.
    From all the questions received, we will select 4 or 5, which will form the outline of the Seminar. We are confident that the chosen questions will provide food for thought and enrichment for all participants.

Participation Fees

You can register to the Seminars of Master Jeffrey Yuen, attending one single seminar or multiple days. See the Participation Fees per person, as detailed in the following table.

Participation Fees Price
May 16, 2025
Qigong to Overcome Physical and Psychological Trauma
€ 190,00*
May 17 and 18, 2025
The Study of the Dumai Meridian (part 2)
Jeffrey Yuen Answers Difficult Questions
€ 330,00*
May 16, 17 and 18, 2025
Qigong to Overcome Physical and Psychological Trauma
The Study of the Dumai Meridian (Part 2)
Jeffrey Yuen Answers Difficult Questions
€ 430,00*

* Participation Fees include € 15 Annual Social Membership Fee.

Location and schedule

The Seminars of Master Jeffrey Yuen 2025 will be held in Rome, at the Cavour Congress Center, in Via Cavour, 50/a (look at the map). The Congress Center is close to the “Roma Termini” railway station and the subway stop “Termini”, line A.

The activities will start at 10:00 a.m. and finish at 6:00 p.m..

Payment and Registration

The attendance of Jeffrey Yuen’s Seminars is reserved to Xin Shu APS members. Asking to attend Seminars of Master Jeffrey Yuen, the user requests to become a member of Xin Shu APS.

To buy a ticket to the Seminars of Master Jeffrey Yuen, please select your Participation Fee from the “Options” dropdown menu on the top of this web page and click on the “Add to cart” button. The Participation Fee includes the Annual Social Membership Fee (Euro 15,00). Participation Fees can be paid through Credit cards (Stripe) or Paypal. Only one ticket per person can be purchased.

The Seminar of Master Jeffrey Yuen are delivered by Xin Shu APS. All rights reserved. Buying your ticket to online Seminars, you agree with Terms and Conditions. Recording is prohibited.

Information and contacts

For further information, download the Seminars Programme or contact us:

Organizing Committee – Xin Shu APS
E-mail: seminars @